Parchment Paper Substitute For Baking Bread

After you put your hard work and time to bake a new loaf of bread, it can be very disappointing to find your bread loaf is stuck to the pan.

Parchment Paper Subsitute For Baking Bread. Using Parchment paper to prevent a loaf of bread to get stuck to the pan is easy and it works every time, but if you’re looking for an alternative to use this paper every time you bake a new loaf, you might want to try to use: aluminum foil, silicon mats or coating the baking pan with a dust of flour.

When you start to make your own bread at home, one of the reasons might be to provide your family with a better quality of bread, and you’ll be using the best ingredients to make each recipe.

Another thing that might be important to you when you take your time and work to make a new loaf of bread is to be sure you’re doing better to help the planet to be a better place, then you realize that using a new parchment paper sheet, might not be a good idea, even it’s the best way to prevent a loaf of bread to get stuck to the baking pan.

Today I will share some alternatives to the use of Parchment Paper

Aluminum Foil

Aluminium Foil can be used as an alternative to parchment paper when baking a new loaf of bread, but it requires to coat it with butter and flour or with some olive oil, depending on your recipe, as aluminum foil has not the non-sticking ability as parchment paper.

Aluminum foil is made from a metal, it’s temperature resistant, and it’s strong enough to help you to lift your bread without breaking it, it will heat fast, causing the bottom of your bread to start getting baking fast.

Silicone Baking Mats

Silicone Baking Mats are another good alternative to use instead of using Parchment Paper when baking a new loaf of bread, they can be used many times and they are washable.

When using a silicone baking pan to bake your new loaf of bread, place the mat on your baking pan, and place it on the middle rack in the oven.

If you need to create some steam when baking a new loaf of bread, you can place an iron skillet in the bottom rack to place some ice cubes or boiling water during the baking time.

The best silicone baking mats are made by Silpat, but you can find some other alternatives with a better price tag.

Coating Your Baking Pans With a Dust of Flour

Coating baking pans with a dust of flour is the way artisan and old fashion bakers still do their bread today, this has been the way they do and some bakers will keep doing this way as it works great to prevent their bread to stick on the baking pans.

Using the method of dusting a baking pan or stone to bake a new loaf of bread might be a challenge for new bakers, as it requires to transfer a proofed dough fast to the heated surface without getting burned.

Some bakers will use a wooden flat spoon to transfer the proofed loaf of bread to the oven, but for new bakers this method will require some trial and error before you get skilled enough to get it done the right way every time, and be sure to stay safe all the time and not get burned.

Coating Your Baking Pans With Oil

Coating your baking pans with oil is one tip some baking teachers will give you, and it works great with artisan bread recipes.

Do Not Use Any Other Paper To Bake a Loaf Of Bread

In some kitchens you might find wax paper, but this is not made for baking a bread, as it’s not heat-resistant, and for this reason it should not be used in the oven.

When baking your own bread at home, you will be using your oven on high heat most of the times, for this reason if you use any type of paper that is not made for baking purposes, it can get on fire and it can cause an unwanted accident.

Don’t use any other type of paper to bake a new loaf of bread, it’s always better to use one method mentioned above, or it’s better to keep using parchment paper, you will get better results and it’s important to stay safe when baking your own bread at home.

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Parchment Paper Substitute For Baking Bread