Baking Tools Must Have

Baking Tools Must Have in the kitchen when you love to bake your own bread, will help you to get the best results from your baking.

Anyone who is looking to start baking or if you have sometime already baking your own bread, having the right baking tools in the kitchen will help you to make the perfect bread dough and get the best results from any recipe you want to make.

Baking Tools Must Have

There are some recipes that we all inherit from our parents or grandparents, who used to follow a recipe with a pinch of salt or a cup of flour, measured with a coffee mug.

When you get sometime already making your own bread at home, as our parents and grandparents, you will be experienced enough to know how much of each ingredient you should add to the recipe, as practice makes the teacher.

But I must say, if you are reading my blog, it is because you want to start making your own bread at home and you want to know how to make it, and having the right baking tools in your kitchen will help you to follow with ease any recipe and get the best results always!

Baking Tools Must Have

Baking Tools For Bread Baking

1 – Stand Mixer

This might be the kitchen appliance that must be on the kitchen counter all the time and ready to be used, with the KitchenAis Artisan Mini Stand Mixer, you can make all type of bread, cakes and cookies!

2 – Food Scale

Some recipes are written with measures in cups and spoons, but some are written with measures in weight (kilos, grams) having a food scale in the kitchen, will help you to get the right quantity of any ingredient that you need to add to a recipe, without the need to be guessing how many cups that measure could be.

3 – Sifter or Fine Mesh Sieve

Some recipes will ask you to sift the flour to get better results, you might want to get this task done fast and fine to follow the right steps on your recipe.

4 – Baking Pans

Not only one, but at least three and in two sizes: small and big. Having a good number of baking pans will help you to make just one bread loaf or a few of them at the same time.

5 – Spatulas & Whisks

Some recipes will ask you to mix some ingredients with a spatula to incorporate some air to the dough, a good spatula or a whisk will help you to do this task with no problem at all. Spatulas will help you also to scrape all the dough from the bowl to the baking pan!

6 – Mixing Bowls

Having a nice set of mixing bowls will help you to work great and faster to follow all the steps on any recipe.

7 – Measuring Cups And Spoons

Baking requires precise measurements, get a set of measuring cups and spoons to get the right amount of each ingredient on your recipe.

8 – Silicon Baking Mats

When baking your bread or cookies on a silicon mat, will help you to get everything well baked and keep your pans nice and cleaner.

9 – Cooling Raks

Any bread baked at home require some cooling time, cooling ranks will help any bread to cool off, before you slice, or storage.

Where To Buy Affordable Baking Tools?

Start with what you have at home, as you keep baking, you will know more about what type of tools you need.

Baking tools can be found almost in any big store, look for some well-known brands, as they produce reliable tools for cooking and baking.

Buy your baking tools one at a time, as some have an affordable price, but some are more expensive.

Know well your needs as a baker and buy your tools as you get more skilled, this way, you can buy only the tools you know well they will help you to make better bread or try more elaborate recipes.


Baking tools will help anyone to become a good baker and even a pastry chef!

These tools have been probed to help any baker to get better results!

As a beginner, start with what you have at home, as you keep learning about baking, get your tools one at the time, soon you will notice you get more skilled and you will know more about your needs as a baker and you will know more about what baking tools you need in your kitchen.

Enjoy the process of learning how to bake your own bread, there will be good days when everything goes well, and there will be days and recipes that are just a challenge for any baker.

As you keep learning, you will be trying new recipes, soon you will see how good you are, baking from easy milk buns to the most elaborate croissant!

Happy Baking!


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Baking Tools Must Have

3 thoughts on “Baking Tools Must Have

  1. I haven’t baked for two months and I haven’t baked bread before, but like to try it. I do have many of these baking tools at home,  I just need to get the rest.

    I think I saw you link to a bread recipe. What kind of bread is it? I don’t eat any kind of bread. A little bit picky. Hopefully is the one I like. 

    Thanks for sharing. 

  2. Thank you for very interesting article. TO be fair I wasn’t baking to much in past, but when covid started it become my new hobby. Its fun and definitely healthier for family than buying cakes or cookies from shops. I do have most of the items you recommend, but baking mat is something new for me. Sounds as great idea and Im looking forward to test it in practice.

  3. Thanks for your article on baking tools that are available to the modern-day baker for their kitchen. Having recently had a friend of our’s marry, it was interesting to see what they had on their bridal list to purchase for their kitchen. Some couples are very fortunate to start out with a well equipped kitchen. Thanks for sharing this article.

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